Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Ah man this is so true.. and yet also false in the same breath.

    It's truth that OUR US of A gubberment has an open hostility towards its citizens, promoted through DC corruption, which is coupled with a festering incompetence that "F"'s up nearly everything we allow it to touch. This is broken.
    The contrast is that healthcare for all has been, and is currently being, successfully run in dozens of countries, ALL of whom charge citizens less than we're already paying in our current fucked up system of gouging

    Today we spend the most and get nearly the least healthcare due to the open atmosphere of medical gouging.

    Something needs to change. Of course your first statement didn't get any less true. It's a problem that needs addressed.
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Which was me agreeing by stating WTF is wrong with demanding some form of CCC, or other public labor, if one desires benefits.

    (and all our Lefty friends howl at me for thinking so)
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    when pushed all those who say its NOT socialism they advocate will state but we ALREADY have socialism
    stop being deceitful and just say you want more of the money hard working people have for your policies
    at least that would be honest
    TAFNAC and harkeyed like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Sorry BDK but you're parroting #'s that were grossly marked up merely to argue. Look deeper and note that our entire national debt is less than helf that nonsense $34Trillion that the GOP nitwits keep parroting. So stop yourself from being fed BS data is the best first option. Next the devil (and not @LAdiablo ) is in the details..
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    My years of mathematical training and mastery prove to me that there is no tangible difference between a digital entry of 34 trillion to that of 16 trillion or even 8 trillion.
    We can keep cutting in half until we get to a number that is 'real'.
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Dude what do you think about ZERO taxes for anyone making under ... let's go with $200k?

    Paid for by not repatriating hundreds of billions of dollars of offshore corporate tax evasion. Imagine if companies above $1B actually paid taxes? Instead of permitting GE to hire 100's of former IRS agents to keep it from paying a single cent in taxes with the mid-1990's. THAT is fucked up. Ask the Alphabet/Google tax team why they didn't pay the 35%, 25%, 20%... 2% taxes after sheltering billions through Bermuda/Bahamas/Ireland or any other entity willing to rewrite their own tax codes.

    YOU got screwed by that shit. I got screwed. Our kids are going to get screwed worse paying the bills for our generations set of DC thieves.

    Little guys get screwed daily.

    Big guys screw us daily.

    Did you care?
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Nice @rube tangent there boss.

    The simple point is that NOTHING is going to costs AS MUCH AS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY HAS SPENT FOR DECADES.

    Nothing. Not healthcare. Not the military. Not anything.

    No division or reduction is required of anything except by the idiots at Faux News
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    of course i care and wish that lobbyists had no part of the equation
    unfortunately around 500 rich lawyers are making the laws
    and somehow their wealth continues to expand
    nothings changing until that part of the equation changes
    if the fraud were removed that would be a start
    but as it stands its well within the laws written by the thieves
    CapnTreee likes this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Care to elaborate? As in why?

    I mean we already spend more on our military than ANY other item in the budget.
    Said budget for military spending is already greater than #2+#3+#4+#5 other country military budgets put together.
    Were you not aware that for 20+ years it has been the USA habit of provoking war, wherever we choose, simply to use up munitions in order to buy more (to prop up the military industrial complex)

    Don't get me wrong as I too want the strongest military on the planet. We've had that for a long long time. We've abused that power for a long time promoting democracy.

    Most American's have virtually no sense of what a bully America is seen as to the rest of the world since they don't travel. At 30+ countries I think otherwise. We could spend 50% less and still outspend everyone else.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I have been letting you guys off easy in this thread for a good while.
    But it's getting stupid again.
    I guess I will probably have enough by tomorrow.
    Expect condensed rants over the weekend.
    CapnTreee and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    sign of a weak argument is blaming it on Fox news lol
    do they overdue it sometimes? sure they do
    is there ANY other media outlet on tv/cable that even attempts to give a conservative pov???
    they are beating CNN/MSNBC combined in the ratings
    i personally only watch Tucker and sometimes Baier but carry on w how they are the problem
    you think their exaggerations or hyperbole compare to the lies pumped out by msm?
    people are tired of being told what to think and the manipulation that goes w it
    yeah it might not be "fair and balanced" but its light years ahead of the others in at least trying to give an objective pov
    for sure they shine a light on the bullshit and hypocrisy of the left and it drives libs crazy
    just look at the hysterical Trump madness on every other channel
    not a peep when BO was POTUS and nothing about the lies and shame of the clintons
    thats why people tune in to Fox
    doesn't mean everything they report on isn't legit
    unless you happened to be a screaming leftist pretending to be conservative lol
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight and that's a good one too.
    When certain BS only appears in one location ($34T = Faux News) then one tends to associate the two together.
    Wherever one gains their news.

    If ANY other media had used a number within 1000% then we'd shrug and call it close enough. Of course the GOP has doubled down in their open support of whatever Faux News comes up with next and yesterday I took a call from the Mimi Walters campaign, having voted GOP for decades, that also parroted the $34T number. Umm OK sure. So now enough people are repeating it... still not truth.

    I wish all of my Lefty friends, including your bro, saw me as a "screaming leftist" when in fact they all insist that I'm a Trump henchman Righty. No shit. NO ONE WILL ACCEPT ANY MIDDLE GROUND because they all are having too much fun pointing fingers at the opposite direction calling them all manner of nonsense.

    Grasp that yet?
    Care in the least?
    Yeah no I didn't expect so...
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    OK apples to bananas is what you offer..

    Note 1) BO as POTUS, did bow too low too often, however there were ZERO indictments of himself or ANY staff member for 8 years. Indictments under Trump are at 35 and rising and there is no sign of fewer future indictments as Trump surrounds himself with rats unaccustomed to scrutiny in the light of day. So too much bowing too low.. but an otherwise more ethical human.
    Note 2) .."Nothing about the lies and shame on the Clintons" Holy cow did you not watch any TV that decade? Or short term memories are fused over? Never heard of Monica Lewinsky then? Never heard of the GOP trying to hold impeachment proceedings on Slick Willie? How'd you miss all those 'peep' show thrill hours of shrill howling media protest? And not solely from Faux News either, all media was reporting on it.

    So BO avoiding scrutiny because he acted more mature and responsible than Trump? Everyone acts more mature than Trump.
    So Slick Willie was exposed to impeachment procedings, even if you failed to watch. Or remember. America still remains as fond of Slick Willie as it remains disgusted with uber bkitch Hillary.

    Remembering does make me the enemy.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Let loose the Kraaken!
    TAFNAC, rube and CapnTreee like this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    no i can't grasp it since your intellect is so far superior to mine
    maybe liberals like you will understand one day just how little people invest in your condescension anymore
    can't blame you for trying though it worked for a while didn't it?
  16. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 18, 2018
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    It is a buzzword when many don’t understand the true definition of socialism. ‘Democratic socialism’ is simply a poorly named platform that doesn’t actually require socialism. However, Fox News wants you to think otherwise and will use lies and scare tactics to achieve their message. One example is Sean Hannity outlining the ‘horrors’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s [socialist] platform. Except, none of her policies bore any resemblance to actual socialism. In fact, neither of the Democratic Socialist of America candidates I am aware of are proposing nationalizing industries, for example. They are proposing an expansion of the social safety net, which is a liberal policy, one that socialists would embrace but not something that is inherently socialist. Ironically, we have seen actual ideas that resemble socialism from this administration. Number one being the $12B handout to the farmers affected by Trump’s tariffs. And number two being Trump’s proposal to nationalize coal plants. Both of these are far more ‘socialist’ than universal health care, ensuring big corporations pay their fair share of taxes, providing social welfare, free tuition etc.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    All governments have socialist programs.
    That is not the issue.
    We not only have socialist programs but we have so many of them and at such great levels that they do make the US at least 50% a socialist government.
    We are already socialist.
    And so were the nazis.

    Because of cultural issues of our past we have been conditioned into turning the word socialist into communist.
    We see such a thing happening with leftist and liberal. Two different ideals that are confused by people on all sides.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Its because the middle ground is for the Swiss miss.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    And most Americans don't know how much the US is loved all around the world.
    They don't come here out of hate.

    We are warriors. As in the warrior class.
    DC flies the flag of a private ocean based corporation. Before corporations like todays existed we had things like the Dutch East India Company and the like.
    The United States of America that DC represents is corporation/city/state much like the Papal Rome and Inner London.
    Each one is a different class.
    London are the noble class.
    Vatican are the priestly class.
    USA are the warrior class.

    This is the aim of the enemy spoiler within progressive, socialist, liberal (and yes progressive and conservative groups too) is to create class warfare so that the classes get more and more defined and stratified.

    If you don't understand why we spend so much on war stuffs then you don't understand that we are essentially the Vikings of the modern world.
    While also being the worlds top policeman.
    Sure we are bullies. No fucking shit.
    That is how its gotta be.
    Nobody but the biggest bully on the block can take out the pissant bullies that try to come up.
    Fuck those bullies.
    If you want to bully you better be able to take it from the biggest bully on the block or else you better sit the fuck back down.

    You know who else had a hard time with Democracy?
    Athens and the entire history of Greece from the birth of Democracy up until now.
    You want to read what Greek philosophers really thought of Democracy?
    You want to read what the Hebrews and the Babylonians in the bible said about Democracy?
    I don't think you want to read any of that.
    Its much worse than the general idea most of us get in school and movies.

    Maybe you can read a little bit about what happened when France decided they wanted to go all in on Democracy.
    CapnTreee, Bluezoo and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    You have as bad an obsession with Fox News as Trump has with the press.
    Except the press are not #yourfriend.
    They are not called the press for nothing.

    You clearly are not prepared to answer to anything you say because when pointed to do so you evade and throw chaff.

    You also have a penchant to use all caps a lot which strikes me as the way Donald Trump would most likely communicate if he was secretly a Dodgers fan. I mean did he not grow up in Brooklyn or his dad owned a slum motel there... something like that.
    Then there was that tweet where he comes down hard on Dave for being a gutless puppet of the administration or something about how he makes horrible business decisions both before and during the game.
    That right there makes it highly suspicious that he may possibly be a Dodgers fan.
    You are a successful anglo/saxon businessman with nordic earls blood running through your veins just like Trump.
    CapnTreee likes this.

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