DODGERS Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    I can make websites too.
    blazer5 likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Article 3:
    How hydroxychloroquine helping save lives is problematic and racist
    LAdiablo, rube and Finski like this.
  3. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    That’s not what I said at all. If my grandma’s doctor thinks she should use the drug, then I’m on board. I’m not going to insist the doctor use it though.

    I think my summaries of the articles are accurate.
    rube likes this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    was talking w my daughter about this and she made a good point
    if i did have it and get tested for the antibody i can start donating blood
    have an appt next week w the Dr. for that and a script for a mild sedative
    BlueMouse and Finski like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I hold you in high regard amongst us for a certain quality that you repeatedly display.
    I suggest you read the articles and focus on what good can be done in our present reality over the perfection of scientific consensus in the future.
    Because while it is correct that the study was not performed the way the pharma industry prescribes because that ordeal takes years and red tape and lots of cash and kickbacks for everyone.
    But if you do it that way then the good results shown with the ONLY scientific trials that could be done during a pandemic in the short period of time needed to square the curve.
    The ones they say at the end that are the only real science are corporate bullshit.
    It worked.
    You saw the stats.
    You saw how they got the stats.
    What you then saw is bullshit excuses that don't hold water when the pressure on the gov was to so something.
    This was something.
    Let's say it was just a fucking bandaid.
    It stopped people from bleeding out.
    Sometime a tourniquet right now is better than not touching the man with a wound and waiting for the doctor to come with his state approved pharmacopia and saw his leg off.

    You honestly think that if you got corona you would trust doctors killing people with ibuprofen and intubating folks en masse when they were told that both things are what lead directly to covid deaths by the Italians and others who saw this shit before us. Covid don't kill nearly as much people as the effects of using standard practice from the textbook.
    And you know who pays to write the medical schoolbooks. Pharma who makes nothing from off label use of good cheap and well understood drugs for these types of symptoms.
    Or would you trust all the people that are taking the cheap drug and surviving at greater numbers all over the world and in all the tests that even a world power can accomplish in such a short span of time.

    I don't trust Trump
    But I know when he's bullshitting.
    Fauci is a liar that lies for the greater good.
    Anyone who does things for the greater good is one step from being a monster.
    The greater good justifies anything.
    The greater good is the religion of Nazis like Cornwallis.
    The Patriot was on TV so I'm a little riled up.
    Never seen it in 4k.
    Plus this is my favorite day of the year.
    Love the smell of sulfur and brimstone in the evening.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  6. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    I have nothing against doctors or the drug, so I will let it go. My problem is with the con artist desperately trying to associate his name with any remotely positive news, while hiding in the bushes when there’s bad news.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
    fsudog21, rube and blazer5 like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Totally agree about that.
    This stuff seems to work and so Trump rushed ahead of the news to get credit.
    It's like when rebook came out with the pump shoes.
    I was a Nike guy all the way. Loved me some cheap delta force high tops.
    I had bad ankles and that pump gimmick got me. But I hated rebook because I associated them with girls doing aerobics due to this one type of Reebok most women I knew at the gyms and parks were wearing at the time.
    My mom wore Reeboks.
    I would rather wear pony than reebok.
    But then those pump commercials came out. And I had been making a little side money already so I bought my friends pumps who didn't care for them.
    I was dunking over people with no fear of my ankles busting out the sides.
    For a couple summers till Achilles decided it did not want to be part of the ankle anymore.

    Oh so my point was fuck Trump... but don't fuck yourself in the process just because fuck Trump.
    I wore Reeboks for a few years and it was a blast.
    But I could not trust them for the long haul.
    I could not go back to Nike though.
    The wing of victory could no longer be my niche.
    Instead I joined the association de idiotas dispuestos a superar and grabbed 4 pairs of Pro Models from the outlet store and never turned back.
    Loved them shoes.
    Them Germans sure know how to make good looking gear that does it's job well without screaming look at me.
    Herman's don't want you interested in how they make the sausage.
    They know its so good compared to our hilshire farms that we gonna swallow it whole.
  8. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Hard to beat our local market's meat (no homo).
    rube likes this.
  9. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    When I was a kid I wanted Airwalks more than anything. I finally got a pair one year, and they were the heaviest shoes I’ve ever owned. After owning a pair I never wanted them again.
    rube likes this.
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Asics for the win.
    Seriously though, they're the best shoes I've ever worn.

    I used to go back and forth between Nike and Adidas, but once I tried a pair of Asics, I never went back.
    rube likes this.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    so i did the blood test and it came back negative w a false negative of 30%
    idk but 30% is a big number, hell 5% is a big number if thats the chance of you dying in a surgery scenario, been there and its intense
    at any rate no antibody to donate to the cause
    rube, fsudog21, Finski and 1 other person like this.
  12. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Hi guys. Been awhile I know. Just wanted to add my 2 cents about this Virus as I have a real experience with it.

    I was symptomatic (Body ache , fever, loss of smell taste and appetite) for Corona virus on June 22 evening. At that time, 5 co workers in that week also did and were awaiting test results. I was tested on on 23rd (next morning) but did not get official results until the following Monday! Such bullshit.
    Turns out I was positive, by then about 14 at work were also positive and counting.
    Within the next week sickness really kicking a real bad painful Flu.
    Breathing issues started getting there after the 1st 2 weeks. I went to E.R. and was promptly sent home with an "ok" . My Dr. suggested E.R. visit again.
    4 days later on July 4th More breathing attacks and I have Paramedics to my house. They check me out, breathing, vitals, etc. and say I'm ok. Just go back and rest.
    I decide no, the E.R. has to check me better this time. My wife takes me. I walk about 30 yards to the Covid Tent hospital at Kaiser E.R. and my oxygen level drops to 81(should be no less than 91) and the paramedics checked me at 93 at my house only a half hour prior.

    So as I begin to really labor to breath, talk, of even stand up as badass nurse throws my in a wheelchair and hauls ass with me into the E.R building.

    Well turns out I had developed Corona virus/Pneumonia and had to be admitted into a step below ICU. I was there in solitary confinement for 7 full days! They were great there and it went well for what it was. I was given the drug Rendesiver (sp) and that drug did wonders to battle the Corona virus. $3k a day dose and I got 4 days, (thank god for Good coverage)

    I am now home for a few days now and doing very well. I still have pneumonia but have oxygen and breathing treatments if needed . I only used the oxygen a few hours my 1st night home and have not needed it anymore.

    Point of this shit guys is THIS IS NOT A JOKE. This thing is real and will kill.
    Please take care not to catch or spread within reason. It is real.

    Total at my work is over 23 positive (about a 190 person workforce total) and 5 of us hospitalized at various levels. still more awaiting test results. One coworker named Henry was placed on the dreaded Ventilator 2 weeks ago.

    So that's my True story, not FOX or CNN... real life shit.

    Take Care my Dodger Brothers!
    lastatman, Bluezoo, irish and 7 others like this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    good to hear you are ok in the end brother
    can i ask if you had underlying conditions?
    i know you are quite a bit younger than me iirc
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    What do you do if you get corona and you don't have access to medication like that for the well insured?

    You drink hot tea.
    You don't eat food.
    Take ice baths.
    You wrap yourself in blankets.
    And sweat and squirm like a worm.
    Freeze it dead or burn it off.
    See whose stronger.
    You or your corona.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.


    Nov 2011
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    Does this mean you have to stop vaping now?
    irish likes this.
  16. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    thanks for sharing fordie
    happy you appear to be recovering
    be well my brother
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  17. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    he's recovering but will most likely have long term effects and life time conditions due to this. In fact a study found that over half of the patients with COVID-19 had heart damage. This is one of many studies that show that the virus can permanently affect your health.

    Yet people here still refuse to mask or take the virus seriously. They believe those that are most at risk are the only ones susceptible to the disease and should stay home. It’s really come to the point where people will put themselves and others at risk just to “own the libs.” It doesn’t make any sense. Perhaps they will take things seriously when they or someone they care about are stuck on medication for the rest of their life.
    blazer5 likes this.
  18. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Lol... what a clown
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Thanks for the first hand account.
    Glad you made it through and are feeling better.
    fsudog21 and Finski like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'll be honest
    I have to have an organ removed.
    I've been putting offfor a year and the latest I had to wait was in December
    But I got really sick and missed work for a while then I broke my hand and had to miss 2 months at least so I quit to recover.
    Wife and got into an argument and I convinced her that she was not up to taking care of a person with cancer and I asked her to move back with her family.
    She said no but a week later we had a bigger fight and she got the message.

    Diablo when you came to my house I was a horrible host.
    I was in a lot of pain and other things and I didn't want to show it on my face. I apologize if I was not attentive.
    I thought we would have more time.
    I could not adjust in real time.
    I was just very spent.
    And I've never had a white person at my house that wast a government agent.
    That was the first time.
    I've had black guys at my house but no whites. Go for it Irish!
    And I had never ever thought about that.
    I stopped having white friends after high school.
    Maybe it was the bad experiences I had with white adults.
    Specially in the government.
    And I worked for the government with loads of white people and it was always cool.
    But I never invited any white person to my house.
    I mean white dudes. White chicks love the mountain.
    Well way back then.

    I'm rambling and forgot my point of why I'm talking bout this...
    Oh yeah corona.
    I'm not unafraid.
    The thought of not being let out of the hospital. Being told i have corona during my surgery and if I survive end up with corona and then be stuck there for months while they try to keep me from dying.
    I don't want to die like that.
    I think I'm out of time.
    I've already pushed everyone away because I can't bear to have people I love see me miserable.
    With Diablo I tried hard to look fine.
    That's my talent.
    That's why I smoke.
    For the pains when it helps a little.
    But mostly so my eyes don't look pained.
    And my wrath can be checked.
    Because it's party time right now.
    And I didn't get my surgery before the party started.
    Like I should have.
    And I knew all of this was coming.
    I love you guys but I never give you the A sides.
    I give you unfinished sketches and sometimes a B side here and there.
    A sides I can only do if I can feel your heart.
    I have faith.
    But it's not as strong as I would like.
    While I love off of it I always demand proof of life before the final transfer.
    Like Tommy I need to see who are you.
    But I've got no more quarter.
    All I got is steel balls.
    Bluezoo, fsudog21, Finski and 2 others like this.

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