DODGERS Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    And I can't believe I posted that.
    Damn you sauce I read your post at the most wrong possible moment.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    What I meant with wrath is two fold.
    The right and the left.
    I must fight with a person before I can trust them.
    I must see who they are.
    I can't explain better.
    If you read Gilgamesh as a kid and remember Enkindu you understand.
    I need to know of what metal you are made of.
    I don't know why I need this before I can trust you.
    Even if I've know you 20 years.
    Like I need to bite the metal for proof.
    Like a Klondike bar.
    Need to see how much gold in your ore.
    That is not literal btw. In case I lose you.
    It's simply about character I suppose.
    I need to know which one you are in the play if we gonna play.

    I don't know if this is a character flaw or a boon but this is the right side of my wrath.
    The left side is all about total fucking destruction of everything that is an abomination to my spirit without harming a single soul.
    I'm sure that's what they all say.
    Before their utopian dreams become megalomania.
    It's happened every time.
    And most of them liked to write.
    Not a good sign.
    But I'm being a little emo today as my nephew's would say.
    I've been visiting people and saying goodbye the last couple weeks.
    They just don't know it.
    My wife kept calling me and texting me the last few months. Every morning and evening at the very least.
    Tells me she loves me and that she will never have want another man etc... All the nice things you wanna hear.
    Its obvious she wants me to ask her to come back.
    Or maybe that's just sorta wishful thinking.
    But I made sure I called her during my worst day last week and asked her in a roundabout way to leave me alone.
    And she did.

    I just deleted the next couple paragraphs because It was only getting sappier.
    Suffice to say I have no idea what I'm talking bout next.
    Except that I wish I could pee.
    Maybe I should try a fosters.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you were a fine host and was really happy to meet your mom and your uncle
    all of you radiate an earthy love that is a joy to be around
    your mom has a magical energy around her
    its almost weird when you call me a white guy cause i rarely thought about it much over the years although people remind of that fact more and more
    i certainly felt accepted and welcome
    we just hadn't talked about what it was exactly we were going to do and when the dinner subject came up i wanted to be polite
    had no idea if you planned for 5 people and my girl especially didn't want to impose
    absolutely had no idea you were in pain but i'm really bad at those types of observations
    really any kind of physical defect or deficiency typically escapes me but i did notice when i looked directly at you you looked away but i had no idea you were hiding pain
    anyway back to the real what are you going to do?
    fwiw mom went in for a week at 97 and came back out so i think they are uber careful w everyone
    your mom and uncle need you so if you ask me you have to do this now
    fuck cancer
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Sorry Fordie for stealing your thunder.
    But reading your analysis was comforting.
    Like reading a box score late at night when you missed the game.
    Or having vin give you a recap before the next game.
    LAFord and fsudog21 like this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    suddenly nothing seems very important
    don't give up
    blazer5 and Bluezoo like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Thank you for that.
    It's a big relief that I wasn't a jerk.

    I actually had a tri trip in the smoker out back but I was kinda too excited and also foggy brained to remember once you got here.
    It was charred about a quarter of the way in on one side because I misjudged the wood.
    I even had some 2 fosters in the fridge and a random bottle of dark wine and a little sake bottle.
    But I ever telling you that I didn't drink and had no booze in the house.
    Which is always true.
    Except that because you were coming I wanted to have a little something.
    But encephalitis is a bitch.
    An elephant never forgets but he sometimes remembers information that is currently past it's freshness date.

    I actually don't know what to do.
    I have no taste for filling out medical forms. Applying for state help or any of that. I just don't. It makes my symptoms unbearable.
    I could do business all day and all night.
    But I can't do something that goes against my spirit.
    I need others to do that for me.
    My disease pumps my blood with adrenaline and steroids all the time. And a host of other chemicals that allow me feats.
    Like walking from tree tree without having to come down. Just dancing on the limbs as they bough and bend and spring you back up to the next one.
    Dancing with whales in the ocean and talking it off the beach.
    Fighting wild dogs with my bare hands and following bears in the woods just for curiosity.
    Oh and killing snakes and scorpions every live long day.
    Although I kinda feel something for the little scorpions because they are so crystal clear and transparent when they been under a quartz for a time and that rock hasn't been wound once.

    While you guys always talked bout dogs In obvious snatch references I would chuckle inside.
    Mickey was my role.
    Weed can't get me high.
    Alcohol don't get me drunk.
    At least not enough for either to make me impaired.
    Shit you know what I'm gonna say.
    It just made me concentrate better.
    And suppressed feats.
    Except my feet.
    They normally plodding until you wind me up.

    I never take the money.
    I fuck up the program on purpose.
    If you insult me that way.
    I'm skittish but ferocious.
    I'm skinny but heavy boned.
    I'm fat but always absorb the hit.
    I'm slow footed unless you can make me dance.
    Make me.
    I broke my right hand but my hands are still greased lightning.
    And my left is 24 karat gold.
    That's just a pretty number.
    But it's solid.
    Even if gold don't due too well vs calcium carbonate.
    It's a noble metal.
    From before the bronze age.
    And it's much lighter than iron bro.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i don't know anything but isn't encephalitis an a virus that affects the brain?
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There is a virus that can cause it yes.
    But it can be caused by many things.
    Repeated blunt force trauma does the trick too.
    Remember that guy that went to your house once.
    Was there an incident with a crowbar or something?
    I got that crowbar a bunch of times one time.
    I had really long Saul Hudson hair.
    Not as curly. But it looked thick and curly from all the blood.
    I wonder if it was the same guy.
    I never got his name.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    so what is the organ that needs to be removed i'm confused?
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Are you familiar with aura?
    I know you have south east Asia all over yours. But because you've told me.
    Are you familiar with chi.
    Qui gon Jin.
    No wait that's Liam Neeson.
    I really like that guy.
    Miss him.
    Ok scratch that last one.
    It has some bad fans.
    We have glands.
    We see these various glands give animals peculiar and sometimes extreme attributes.
    Your thinking can be changed by a smell for instance.
    Your fight or flight response triggered by a sound tuned to a level only your specific ear biology can register.
    An imperceivable vibration can cause your motor skills to deteriorate and make you gag.
    A sudden temporary change in atmospheric pressure can can disrupt your entire limbic system.

    Animals have that effect on other animals.
    In the wild animals know who is who.
    They can smell it feel it taste it in the air.
    Or see it radiating around you.

    But it's just your lymphatic system.
    Starfish can regrow, chameleons have stealth, bats can fly in the dark, ants are the mightiest warriors on the planet when they need to be. Etc...
    And doves can use their magnetism to always find the way.
    The nose knows it's a gps.
    I don't know why it's so wise.
    But it's shaped like a big Y with two eyes.
    And if you follow that blackbird it will lead you to the land of Ys.

    I'll tell you where exactly is my weak spot only in person.
    If I'm gonna have a last stand I'm gonna go like Achilles.
    But what my body secrets the craven crave for their secret lives.
    And why the fuck am I talking about this.
    They offed Bambi's mom for less.
    Oh no I've said too much said Michael
    What's that other great song he had.
    o yeah orange crush.
  11. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    It appears your wife genuinely cares and loves you. You clearly want her by your side but you don’t want her to see you like this. Maybe it’s pride. Maybe you don’t want to be a burden on her. So you fight with her to make the decision easier for the both of you. Either way, if you anticipate you don’t have much time left or are just feeling very alone, I would seriously consider reaching out to your wife and telling her to come back.
    blazer5, fsudog21 and LAdiablo like this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah that's what I clearly said.
    She's an angel.
    But I want to live.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    In other words we are both too strong willed.
    Taking turns leading sounds fair in theory.
    Not in practice.
    Leads to lots of forked roads with broken signs.

  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    holy crap @rube
    i had no idea
    Bluezoo likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I thought it was high time I confessed my sins to my priests.
    You guys have been such great examples over the years.
    I never wanted to top any of your great stories.
    But since Fordie seems like he's gonna be good I felt ok stealing his moment.
    He's a soldier.
    irish and fsudog21 like this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You should see the people I come from.
    Straight children of the corn.
    I'm the darkling duck of the family.
    But I had red hair as a toddler till I was like 5.
    But later I had orange hands.
    Doctor told my mom that my body produced incredible amounts of beta carotene.
    I always thought he was full of shit and just telling her something that sounded ok.
    I might have played with agent orange in El Salvador. The CIA was spraying it everywhere in the mountains and the jungles
    Where my uncle's uncles and aunts fled and where my cousins and their friends went to train and get weapons.
    My eyes have started to weaken a little finally.
    Maybe it was beta carotene.
    I know my mom used to feed me carrots as if I was William of orange.
    And it's a glorious snack.
    Finski likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ok that's the first thing
    what's next and let's go from there
    just writing and writhing isn't going to get you there
    do you need a ride somewhere?
    tha fuck man
    irish likes this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Wow...fucking speechless over this.
    Except for Robin Williams quote, (paraphrasing) , "always be kind when you meet a stranger. Everyone out there is fighting a daemon you know nothing about".
    And Robin certainly knew pain...
    irish and blazer5 like this.
  19. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    well the panic is back
    went in to costco today and NO paper and very little water

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