I was kidding about the labor camps, but not the public schools. The government has proven over and over again that it's unwilling to protect the children it demands attend it's public schools. If the whole system was privatized and parents had a choice in where their kids were educated, you'd have better education and safer children.
Maybe Steve Kerr is a great filmmaker and has kickass home movies and training camp footage. Fauci is an expert in health. You can't get stronger bonafides than his title. But I wouldn't take a health class from him. And guys like Spielberg make dumb transformers movies full of stupid jokes and splosions with no depth to characters or story. It's all.about the money. How awesome would a transformers movie be directed by the wachowskis. Hey but the wachowskis are the liberal nuts and Spielberg the classic picture of conservative old powerful dude. Bit they would lean into the Gen 1 aesthetic fully like they did with speed racer keeping it authentic to the source art while innovating the visial technology to give us a new experience. It might not make a billion bucks at the box office but it will become a classic. If we keep relying on the guys with the titles or the heroes of old then the enemy will keep innovating and feeding our children their Saturday morning cartoons. Sure it's highly polished content, but it's not memorable.
Have you ever had steak tartar? There is this iceberg floating in the sea. It is a huge mountain of an ice island. Hidden with false names so surfers miss it. Climb up to the top of the iceberg and stare down into the abyss. Then dive off the cliff. Under that undersea mountain is tartaria. The conspiracy theory of the day. From the Great lakes of Michoacan in the south all the way north to the Great lakes of Michigan. From Ukraine the lone star in the Asian west through the bearing straits all the way to Texas the lone star of the american west. Where the animals roam and so do the people. Those are the Tarascan people. The Chinese eyed miners from Apatzingan,. Oklahoma and Siberia. Little people make the best miners. Specially when they minors. It's the minority trifecta. Of infernals in the tartar rus. Where Tyr shed a tear for the sinking of Tyre. While the stars tarried in retirement the tards tarred up the bird and made it burn like a flying bush set on fire to make you look. There are many gods. God of this God of that. But when all the gods meet for war they meet the one god that is all about just that. War. Then everyone agrees that there is only one God. The son of the God of War. And war is hell.
How bout we do the same with all seniors. Why should they get to retire to the desert or the beach and do all the state approved drugs? Nah, put them to work. Hard labor Followed by all liberal arts majors. And dues paying members of organized religion and other such gangs. To gulag!
Can't wait. I love archipelagos...always have. Sorta turns me on, like slightly saggy breasts. On a woman. Not like Arnold's.
i see what you’re trying to do there but what’s in a name ‘specially when the names conjure up judgement and biases but in a cartoon or superhero world… mighty mouse be > dr fauXci
Someone can have credibility and still be wrong or make mistakes. I mean, look at huh?. He's biblically literate but also gay.
Finished Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins Not solely related to this book but something I've noticed, reading out loud, hearing yourself say the words, sometimes certain things hit different with a deeper feeling and impact
No jumping over bonfires, though. Some of us are testicularly challenged; it's the " Larry Longballs" syndrome, you see.
I saw that in jail for real. A small older black guy with testicular tumor had giant ass balls to his knees. You aren't supposed to look at anyone too long, specially their business. But that elephant man shit was hard not to stare at.