Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Oh wait it I think I read it wrong lol.
    She DOES pee where she supposed to.
    Good girl.

    I need to do some more of that positive reinforcement.
    I hand out treats kinda randomly.
    Probably not good.
    I don't know how to raise a pet properly.
    I think I used to give them way too much freedom.
    Either way I probably need reading glasses or something.
    Been misreading plenty lately.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Sure...all dogs from Rin Tin Tin to Fido, become good pets through associative behaviour and repetition. Even K9 war hero dogs get there the same way.
    Sometimes, not often, they will make a mistake and have a misstep...we all do.
    Why, even presidents pee themselves sometimes...or worse.
    LAdiablo, rube and irish like this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    especially younger animals can at times have a very strong will that seems overwhelming at first but really they are just unbridled spirits
    takes time and wisdom to read your breed and personality without resorting to spanking or physical reprimand
    took me a while to figure that out but man what a difference when your animal reacts from understanding and not fear
    always felt the first years of a kid a pretty similar
    rube, Bluezoo and irish like this.
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Great post from a true dog lover.
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm shocked and it's complete news to me when people get visibly angry at their pets for doing animal ty
    irish likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    sign of an insufficiency in their person
    irish likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Some might say even evil.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    or an inability to reflect on themselves therefore having no knowledge of their misdeed
    rube likes this.
  9. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    likely gonna schedule a visit to Oklahoma City later this year, I want to check out the city and see if I can see myself buying property there. Not necessarily looking to buy now but I want to get a feel for the city. Thinking I should head out there with OU plays Oklahoma State. US housing bubble is going to pop and I want to be ready when it does.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    just stay outta that alley and some of the areas do pretty nice weather wise
  11. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    There's this CPA that I share mutual clients with. The guy knows accounting and tax code inside out. Brilliant dude, and I fully trust him to provide my clients great tax advice and elaborate tax planning strategies. He and I were chatting, and he said he's saved up money and plans to buy some investment property once the bubble bursts.

    That was just about five years ago.

    Now I'm not saying there won't be a further correction, but we can't say for sure. My philosophy with the real estate market is the same as with stocks - trying to time bottoms is an exercise in futility, and having a disciplined approach of adding new principal regularly and consistently with a long term time horizon is more important than timing. Just my 2 cents.
    THINKBLUE, rube and LAdiablo like this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Silver age is over.
    Buy copper today.
    Double your money tomorrow.
  13. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The real value is in water.
    Buy water.
    We'll be slaughtering each other over it soon enough.
    rube and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Samuel Clemens had something to say about that.
    irish likes this.
  15. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    wholeheartedly agree.
    What did you hear/read?
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You making jokes but in south America it's true. Nestle and coke own even the rainwater from the sky and folks have set themselves on fire from the futility of debt prison life.

    Mendocino county in NoCal ran out of water and the bringing it in trucks at a premium.
    But blue diamond almond milk farms get a third of the states water.
    Restaurants aren't allowed to let customers use the bathroom because they would run out of water after a couple of flushes.
    And they near the coastline.
    Water right there.

    Bunch of counties in Germany are out of water and that is way worse.
    Without water they can't make beer.
    Take beer from Germans and heads will roll in WW4.

    But it's a lie too.
    Theres water everywhere.
    I never see a golf course go dry.
    And it's cheaper to make money on the drought than to make money treating saltwater.
    That's not true either.
    You can desalinate water to drink with an emergency straw in a boating kit.
    The tech is no longer super expensive. There is new better tech that uses natural desalination products that are cheaper and effective.
    But they have no lobby power.

    We used to have cities with magnetic monorails all over.
    Los angeles had the most advanced electric rail system in the world. It was a tourist attraction and people came to wonder over it.
    Yet today it's just another dream boondoggle of some far off future that we will never see.
    Disneyland was built as a private version of what the government had long ago been doing all over the nation.
    There was Disneyland's all over the place. Way bigger and more technolgcally advanced.
    Disney repurposed old tech that has been in storage by the government since the previous century. The 1800s.
    The Disneyland monorail from our youth was not built by Disney but an ancient relic of the technology that was prevalent.
    My aunt's old hause in an old part of Pomona that used to be the ancient town of spadra has a mercury based electrical system. Its non functional anymore or course since they banned mercury and other forms of volatile and radioactive electrical souurces used in homes before Edison became the recognized new god of electricity.

    The reason we don't have what we have had and what would be better for us today is that we can no longer do the things our forefathers did.
    They were giants.
    They went to the moon in an aluminum box.
    We don't remember how they did it.
    Either things are lies that never happened or we ascribe an almost supernatural air to them to make it secret and special to be rediscovered or monetized.
    So we say they were built by giants.
    A greater generation than ours.
    Better men.
    Of course people in love with myth fantasy and being lied to will think that they must have been built by literal giants or aliens or whatever.

    Giants means big footed.
    Big foot. Yeti.
    But big foot is a meme and it doesn't mean a large wookie looking creature.
    It means peasant.
    Paisan means footman.
    Simple worker, soldier, cog in the wheel.
    Humble, of the earth.
    With your feet firmly on the ground.
    These men of old were able to build railroads and bridges and impossible for us to imagine science and tech.
    Many of them died for it.
    It was not work for cowards.
    That is why they were all either immigrants or orphaned children. Or runaway slaves and Indians which are an older ages version of immigrants and orphans.

    All these people of the earth were giants. But giants aren't tall. They are like halflings and hobbits.
    Little men with giant balls on the bottom of their big feet.
    They built your world and then your overlords stole it and have been slowly selling it back to you at a massive profit.
    All while keeping the best for themselves and only sharing glimpses of it for your old age so you have a heaven to spend your savings on.
    Your lord's think of everything.
    They you covered from farm to table.
    Cradle to grave.

    Because they know you are made out of water.
    And with the right frequency of words your water molecules reformat into a snowflake pattern.
    Giving you a sense of calmness.
    Same with other frequencies.
    Your water can be easily be triggered into a shift.
    Because water is instantly mutable like that.
    We can all be triggered into doing what someone else wants us to do.

    Some of the population can get good water from their tap.
    Either because their city has good clean water below their groundwater or because they can afford expensive filtration systems at their home.

    The other half of the population relies on drinking water from plastic bottles almost exclusively.
    The plastics are all in our blood from relying on bottles.
    Makes people gay, mental issues, infertile, prone to diseases, cancers.
    The plastic mutates the water and the water mutates your cells.

    Fast forward to the end of my generation and you will have two societies based on drinking water.
    The scapegoat will be the middle class.
    The rich will blame you for wanting special almond milk that takes too much water to grow in CA.
    For wanting stuff that the rich consume more of but will blame you the middle class for.
    They will buy ads to get the poor to hate you.
    While you continue to run interference for them.

    Because after all they got the best water.
    The absolute best right?
    You never heard of any other source of water.
    One that might be even better than any water the rich can create.
    They have no idea about that water.
    They came to the new world looking for it.
    But they have no idea what it is.
    Maybe when the next piece of Tierra Vista comes into view.
    You do know Columbus was thrown in a madhouse prison when he said he discovered a new world.
    The world had been mapped out completely.
    It was ridiculous that there could be more earth in earth.... It's earth for God's sake, how can we be this great empire and there be undiscovered country?
    Impossible, if word got out other people's would want to go and claim it for their crown.
    If word got out.

    That's why the word gets buried under the crushing depths of the sea.
    No worries though.
    Swimming upstream like a salmon is good cardio.
    And makes the skin nice and rubefacient.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i don't think anyone's making jokes about water supply or any other form of energy and sustenance
    the pigs are in this for real this time
    fsudog21, Finski and rube like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If I think people might be mocking me for talking about conspiracy theories all the time.

    Or if I think they finally saw a piece of media from a credible enough source for them to break their programming and open their eyes.

    I respond the same.
    Flood them with data.
    That's me doing my part.
    Being a cog.
    And when you just doing your job you don't feel either way if people are mocking you or looking for your data.
    You just give them your data.
    In case they were thirsty.
    And go to on to the next job.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You and a few of your friends could buy all of downtown lake elsinore. Turn the lake into an amusement park filled with water props from waterworld.

    Ok not anymore but 7 or 10 years ago you could have.
    You could get 40 acres for half a million.
    You can still get 2 acres with a chunk of it being lakeside for that much now.

    All the water from northern and central California eventually ends up there.
    Filled with all the grow nutrients washed down from the farmlands.
    They grow massive fish that eat nothing but algae that grows on top of the lake.
    That algae is pure chlorophyll and the best omega fats and vitamin k.
    You eat a fatty fish from there and you get that green blood and more omegas than arctic salmon and vitamin k turns into a variety of minerals in your body and why Nordics and eskimo can thrive under low sun conditions. They eat the sunrays through algae and the algae stored in animal fats.
    Algae is the earth.
    It is what we are made of.
    It is the dust of the earth floating on water like a living dirtbag growing moss.

    Of course theres the meth.
    But c'mon, elsinore has lost its exclusivity when it comes to meth havens.
    They everywhere now.
    And the new fentanyl sanctuary cities might be worse.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you forgot oneā€¦

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