No that's silly. Bacon is people. Pork products. You know how the sausage is made. Want the straight salami. Or you wanna stick with your bologna. When there are more dead than grave diggers due to natural disaster or war or plague. When the dead don't want to ever be found, when a body needs to disappear... Local pig farms. Pigs eat up anything they are served. Even long pig. In the world of manbearpigs cannibalism is just the circle of life.
think i might have had a brew 102 back in the day but i don't recall hated all things bud so i don't think i've tasted the rest looks like the kind of stuff that you open the ice chest lid, look around, and go straight that night or head for the store
Funny you associate me with Keystone Light. My oldest sister and her husband, renowned tight asses, drank that all the time. They knew no one else would drink so they wouldn't have to share with anyone. Olympia was my beer of choice in college. No one would fuck with my beer until late in the evening when all the other beer was gone. By then they were plowed and didn't think Oly tasted half bad.
Old friend of my father's knew I was an Oly drinker, so he asks me "did you hear they quit making Oly?" Then he follows up with "they had to. The Budweiser Clydesdales died."
Speaking of bad beers from the past, my uncle used to buy Brown Derby for about $4 a case at our local Safeway. That was nasty, nasty shit.
While we're on beer, $1.35 a sixer was usual price for Bud, Coors, Oly, et. al. Local liquor store (remember those?) used to run $5/ case specials.
Had one here in Tulare called Drive-In Liquor. They sold liquor and ammo. Hunters used to stock up there.