i don't think you're soft few years back mom's rott got cancer and we had it diagnosed at the house since it was really tough to get him in a vehicle my brother wanted to put him down right then and i disagreed since he was still very happy alive we had him for another 4 months or so before his leg was swelling to the point he was having trouble walking but in that time everyone got to spend a lot of time loving him and cooking for him don't think a dog ever ate that well and to make it worse when they came to put him down i chose to put down a 15 yr old chow mix w him that dog was hanging on but it was just time and they got buried in the same grave like the friends they were it was a surprise to the family and myself as well but i wouldn't have traded the last few months cause a dog doesn't know its coming to an end it was one big party for him and dude used to smile so big did my best to enjoy the time i had left and then it was over i buried them both w my daughters and we cried and laughed and placed the toys and dog bowls w them its painful just to think about it but like huh? says there's no replacing the memories those sweet animals gave me an my family hang in there buddy
not unusual at all everything/one has an expiration date so regardless of how happy we are at any point in time, it is temporary i just try to focus on the good things and deal with the bad shit as best i can btw being true to your emotions isn't soft, it's genuine our dogs are a blessing for us to enjoy, and we to them as well
ok its a public bathroom question i've always hated those ass gasket, paper toilet cover most places supply customers and avoid whenever possible but when i do need them it always seems like they disintegrate while i'm trying to get them placed since the tabs apparently are the strongest part typically i either hover or go for placing tp on the sides...and then the gf tells me i'm an idiot this morning she says everyone knows you just place it and your business will cause the tabs to release... now its not that i haven't considered that but if that doesn't happen you've basically got a pile of shit all over your ass even though she swears that's the deal i still can't get the thought of gasket failure, or non failure, happening in a public place maybe i'll bring a couple home and try them out here lol
This made me laugh hard fuck those ass gaskets, have never used them before every time I have tried (not many), I always ripped them trying to get the tabs undone plus they do not cover the toilet seat well enough for my liking I use an ample amount of toilet paper on every part of that toilet at minimum two layers of tp no way in hell am I shitting on those tabs and hoping it breaks the seal I drop some heavy dumps but no way am I playing ass gasket roulette not a chance To respond to your gf, no, it is not common knowledge to just shit on the ass gasket and pray it rips it sounds psychotic and way too trusting
we were laughing so hard she practically peed herself cause i'm w you no way i'm i hoping for the seal to break but she swears that's how it works it certainly doesn't work the way you and i have been trying to do it cause that's just a practice in frustration could swear they were easier to deal with before china started making everything but as you get older a shit can go from a thought to a pending explosion in short order depending on what you've ingested and no probiotic changes that the thought of those tabs not releasing and having it go from pinching one off to a full 911 ass full of shit is just terrifying to me i mean a hat full of Dodger nachos a few beers and whatever else you decide to toss in the pie hole can spell catastrophe for me on a given day can't fathom the humiliation if things went sideways in that scenario no way
Fuck ass gaskets. Hover or nothing for me, although the splash can be an issue with a torpedo size logs.
let's be honest some actually are having girls and gf's its pretty much a deal breaker to eat at a place that doesn't at least try to keep it decent it's part of being in business if they expect a return customer some of the favorite go to places are chosen based on food quality of course and facility cleanliness was a bit ticked when i visited my kid in Prague and realized i had to pay to get into the loo then the door opened and it was spotless realized there was a guy that went in after each patron and hosed it down i'd totally be willing to pay $2 if they did that here
Never tried hovering. I can't quite picture how that would work. All your quads and glutes are flexed to hold the pose - doesn't that lock up your sphincter? In any case, I may fumble my way through most menial tasks, but when it comes to freeing the ass gasket from its tabs, I display a level of precision that most closely resembles a surgeon separating conjoined twins. I need that thing to be fully functional. And even at that point I'll double up or layer TP on top. Can't be too safe.
Paris is the best for public restrooms... stand over a hole with painted feet, as if you needed an.illustration as to know where to put them, and unisex. My wife went in one, three seconds later, came out red-faced, with a scowl on her face, said " I'd rather pee in my pants". As I knew she would say.