Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    im noticing everyone ignore 20 trillion and rising
    the fact that the political elite skewed the deck so we don't make anything in the US anymore
    that our southern border is wide open and the people coming in are being given every advantage (and more) of a citizen
    and the fact that our leader compares the murder of innocent lives through terrorism to falls in a bathtub
    i would respect terrorists a lot more if they actual attacked the people that make the laws and start the wars
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah but no one is cursing here
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    even if you dont stay w doing it you will always possess those skills and thats a pretty cool thing
    i love the design and redesign of spaces and taking risks using my imagination
    CapnTreee, rube and VRP like this.
  4. jpldodgers

    jpldodgers DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2012
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    Nah, I didn't mean to group anyone on here with the people I am "friends" with on facebook. They're ridiculous
  5. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    THIS in spades.

    (oops, racist)

    Bush/Cheney was a monumental fucking disaster for this country and that's why the Dems have had such an easy time being elected. If the Repubs could ever get their heads out of their asses long enough, maybe they would stand a chance. Instead they spend all of their time/energy in blocking Democratic reform instead of offering compromise or realistic alternatives.
  6. Shaw

    Shaw DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    A good overview of the federal debt: (Brookings is cited about evenly between conservatives and liberals).

    The article is a couple years old, but the general principles hold. See for more up to date CBO projections. See for an interesting overlay on budget projections.

    Bottom-line: budget deficits are good in times of weak economic growth, our projections for the future aren't particularly good, trying to cut deficits too quickly may prove to be harmful, and healthcare and social security spending are the two key areas of focus (the ACA has proven to be a step in the right direction:
    blazer5 likes this.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    we are only going to be paying off interest in moments
    something needs to be done right now
    and the waste and fraud in the systems need to be looked at
    as it stands today there is nothing in place to ensure that monies are even going to those who need it
    and thats every entitlement
    why cant they be audited?
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Its not stealing if its what you signed up for.
    When you reach adulthood and work, pay tax, and have your own bills to pay you are making your choice. I want to live in this land and i agree to the social contract we all share in.
    Thats the deal you sign.
    If you dont like it you have the choice of many countries to make a living in.
    Nationality is no thing. In this scenario.
    You cant have "your country" back.
    Your country is a figment of our imaginations.
    We remember selectively and would never truly want to live in the past if a gun was put to our heads. But they always throw that chum to catch more fish. Like all the other chum these people use to bait chumps.
    And chumps are we all.
    But thats the deal.

    Conservatives conserve letters.
    Letters they dont understand.
    Thats why they tend to be near illiterate.
    The letter of the law rules over the spirit.
    Why they love the constitution while claiming its a dead document.
    But they killing it by refusing its life giving spirit.
    Thats why its just another old piece of paper.
    Its defenders defend the wrong thing.
    The letters but not the word.
    They miss the mark.

    We are a socialist country.
    You cant sleep with a whore and not expect to catch something.
    We caught it and we spreading the disease.
    Bernie is just the icing on this cake.
    Cake is what is being served.
    You should know what that means.
    Its close to party time for the rebels without a clue.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Love agreeing with you buddy but...

    you are way off base on that point there. ...Waaaaaaay off base.

    We do not make anything here in America primarily due to Wal-Mart.

    Wal-Mart has made their ample fortunes off of bringing products straight from Chinese factories to American consumers thus setting expectations that shit should always be so cheap. ... because it is when you don't pay more than $11 per day for labor. (used to be $1.50 per day)

    Wal-Mart annual revenues ($482B+) are larger than all but the largest 25 countries in the world and virtually nothing in their stores is obtained in the USA!!

    And (dumb fucking) Americans just love them some cheap Wal-Mart shit.

    Having spent nearly 200 nights overseas, primarily throughout Asia, let me share that the vast majority of Chinese firms have solely an "Export Only" license. Their goods are specifically forbidden to be sold to locals. In fact many Chinese I've spoken with are appalled at the quality of products being shipped to the USA and support their gubberments 'no local sales' position because the products are crap. And the Chinese gubberment a) controls its currency exchange rates and b) controls import duties and tariffs to dissuade external competition

    Not that I mind the political rants but I've tried numerous times to take products I've invented and build them in the USA only to be told that they are too expensive for American consumers trained to adore Wal-Mart pricing.
    rube likes this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Walmart did not start out that way under Sam Walton
    i hate the place and NEVER shop there w one right up the street
    But the original owner only bought American made product and then he died
    And at some point who can afford to sell a product that cost 8 times as much
    The trade deals and regulation we have in place made it that way
    Sorry but I think it is you that is waaaay off base
    This basic new world order shit
  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    plus the elephant in the room that no one seems willing to look in the eye...
    wage slaves are better workers than americans who would be making that 8x
    IBleedBlue15, CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Pres Pantsuit will fix all that for us. You'll see..
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    by outsourcing that labor to her wall street buddies?
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    That and the minimum wage hike and the unfortunate effect following...
    irish likes this.
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    what a fag
    it's your job to gather intelligence to keep this country safe
    if that requires torture, so fucken be it
    because other nations certainly do not abide by these pussy rules
    and btw, nice message for terrorists idiot
    what is going to deter them from carrying on if there's no penalty?
    go fuck off

    CIA director says he would not obey a waterboarding order
    by Associated Press — April 10, 2016

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the CIA says his spy agency will not engage in waterboarding or other so-called enhanced interrogation techniques even if ordered to by a future president.

    CIA chief John Brennan tells NBC News that he will not agree to carry out such techniques because "this institution needs to endure."

    President Barack Obama banned waterboarding shortly after taking office in 2009.

    Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have suggested they would not continue Obama's ban. Trump has gone as far as to say that he would bring back waterboarding and "worse" tactics to get information.

    The CIA used such interrogation techniques after the Sept. 11 attacks. Brennan told NBC News in an interview released Sunday that he would not agree to CIA officers carrying out waterboarding again.​
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    And wasn't it the same CIA that admitted that no significant intelligence data was ever gleaned from said tactics??

    While that may be truth it does not mean that I don't agree with you.

    Trump is a blowhard who has routinely gotten away with screwing over anyone in his path.
    Including his investors. And he's a blowhard who just might do certain PC incorrect things that are far overdue.

    But he's a Beltway outsider who scares the knickers off of all the Beltway Insider money/influence peddlers

    When terrorists ignore convention and admit targeting women and children openly
    then they can die any way I choose
    by smart bullet
    or drone

    or very very slowly
    and with great suffering
    saline flaying anyone?
    or burned by the flames of 72 burning Qurans while watching endless loops of goat porn?
    Bluezoo and irish like this.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Not sure you have ANY data to support those claims
    Nor that it matters

    Old Sam and his clan were mighty keen on exploiting every angle they could
    including using dirt cheap foreign labor

    Wal-Mart's competitive strategy has always been to ruin the US MFG base while at the same time killing the rest of the US retail base
    Reams of evidence have shown the truth of these stances over the years
    And it worked
    Very well

    If Prez Trump ever did what he claimed
    His proposed tariff policies would put Wal-Mart out of business

    And while that might actually be good for the USA it also tells you how much of a blatant liar Trump is
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    damned fanboy

  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest



    Had enough?

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