Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    he was saying household and routine contacts could infect people in front of the microphones and scaring the fuck out of people
    i remember being at a wedding early 80s and a buddy of mine telling me his cousin had aids right in front of the guy and not to touch him
    the look on this guys face when he said that was maybe the saddest thing i had ever seen in my life
    not only shook his hand but pulled him in and the whole situation was really painful even though he was a stranger
    maybe because of that
    people were actually dying while that fuck speculated and incited panic
    THINKBLUE, rube, irish and 1 other person like this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I know.
    He's been wrong at every single turn.
    And he keeps getting gigs.
    Tells you that particular sports league is rigged.
    Fool's that continue giving it the time of day once they know it's a work.
    Of course folks only know two ways.
    So therfore they believe the only alternative is nihilism which is their worst nightmare so they continue on.
    Not knowing that THAT is nihilism.
    Not my way.
    I have cancer supposedly.
    My doctor calls me champ derisively because I've ignored every advice and demand he has made. Even the ones I agree with like getting in the water... but the beach is kinda far.
    Last time I went I hung out with a whale.
    I'll never get tired of saying that.
    Dont care who doesnt believe.
    I go to the doc once a year to hear him tell me I'm gonna die when he starts to read the back of my file.
    I think he has a tad of dementia because he's always shocked I'm still walking once the nurse gives him my latest imaging results and the tumor is actually smaller.
    And my labs are great and I've lost another 15 lbs of fat to boot.
    But if you ask him he is on top of the doctoring game.
    And I don't even ask him.
    I mean he does have kind of a point.
    Because he did it his way.
    And im a big fan of that.
    THINKBLUE and LAdiablo like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    that was incredible and concise
    but what about trans farmers?
    for real where are Willie and Mellencamp and farm aid?
    what's was going on in the 80s is nothing compared to whats happening now
    irish and rube like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    All the greats from the past have had the same fate.
    Total erasure, every 3 to 4 generations.
    These guys have zero pull, they aren't large gravitational bodies anymore.

    Giants that paved the way and are cemented in history for their deeds are barely mentioned once they pass their usefulness.
    The times.are changed everytime.
    That's the whole point of the original folk songs.
    And the previous gods have to be buried to make new heroes for new folks.
    You never get thr full picture from a history book.
    About how generations of heroes are called fool's or die unceremoniously.
    To the young all old men are villains.
    Excpet the one they choose as a mascot.
    And will be chewed up when not needed.
    Then a nice funeral or obituary or a remembering where nice things are said and greatest hits rehashed.
    While people bitch about the speakers going on too long and that the food better be good.
    Everyone gets thrown under the mud.
    So nobody sees nothing and hears nothing or knows nothing.
    Well just enough to know it's better to be a stupid monkey than a smart one.
    Cuz nobody wants to be a monkeys uncle.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  6. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Now you're getting personal.
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  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Buy emergency food lol.
    Nah, buy emergency experience.
    It never runs out.

    You know that you eat possum ass gland extract in most processed food as a natural flavoring agent right?

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Isn't that from beavers? (no not that kind)
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It's in all those large rodent types I believe.
    Usually they say beaver in blurbs but if you read the whole info dump they explain it in further details. Beaver is just the face for the anal glands. Before beavers it was skunks but then skunks became taboo in popular culture a few generations ago and again recently.
    We all eat some anal secretions when we eat fast food.

    America was founded upon the killing of animals for their internal organs.
    The fur industry was just the face of the business.
    The French were out for smells and tastes.
    And the Russians too.
    The Asians for medicine.
    You can cure asthma with a wild skunks bronchial tissue turned to powder.
    I seen the indian remove the organs very neatly after I accidentally shot a skunk during a night hare hunt with muskets from the revolution.
    He told me about a little girl who has had asthma all her life and that this would cure her. I was confused as to why not just cure her long time ago by killing a skunk. There's plenty of em right?
    But not like this skunk.
    This one gave his life to save a rabbit.
    So that makes his lungs compatible with the girls.
    I dont think i got it right away.
    But later i learned about the importance of killing animals properly for consumption due to the many powerful drugs our organs and brain create during moments of stress or temporal anomalies with weather cycles that cause atmospheric pressures inside our bodies.
    Life is in thr blood in a very literal way.
    A deer that is chased cannot be killed correctly and will have tons of these chemicals in the meat.
    The thrill of the hunt is inherited from the eating of hunted animals.
    Their blood is a toxic drug cocktail that makes.you blood thirsty and dulls your humanity. Leading to every kind of depravity.
    The shaman knew what he was doing because he turned the lung tissue into powder the next day and rubbed it on the little girls chest and throat.
    No more asthma.
    The little girl also had a disease called susto.
    It means basically that a bad spirit touched her and now she was permanently scared, afraid. Imo this is their term for some kind of anxiety disorder. Probably from the evil spirit that touched her being something adult she saw that she wasnt supposed to see or worse.
    After that the kid is running around like normal.
    And that the stuff they put on her caused her to throw up a ton of thick mucus clogging up her chest.
    Im guessing the witch doctor mixes in some vicks with the skunk lungs and its the vicks doing the work.
    Natural vicks.
    Because they use rosemary and other herbs in their cleansings and the campbor and other terpenes in these plants are what is in vicks.
    Yall ever fire a musket that you have to powder and tamp down yourself?
    Try aiming those things off a moving pickup in the mountains under the moonlight and actually hitting something.
    I haven't fired any modern weapons in my life.
    Only old rifles and blunderbusses.

    Sorry about going off topic, my ego wanted to show off my 18th century skills.
    But yeah, America is one big hunting grounds.
    Where the old European gods used to go on the Great hunt.
    Before they ran back home with their tail between their legs.
    Because they couldn't hang in the savage land.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The worst disease is Donkey Pox...only the Democrats have it.
    THINKBLUE, LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  11. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    I'm in Denver on business, and man has this city gone to shit. I had to walk four blocks for a meeting, the whole way dodging the homeless and drugged out, as well as sidestepping feces. Reminded me of SF. Looks like California liberalism has made a mark.
    THINKBLUE, Finski and irish like this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    for some reason the CA politician seems to make their mark all over on a repetitive record of abject failure
    now newsome thinks he should be king ffs
    must be the hollywood californication effect and lets hope people wake up before its over
    lastatman, irish and Finski like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    We all need to follow the map when deciding where you want to live.
    From the least yeast, to the best waste, and the suss sauce to the nodding noise.
    Four quadrants depending on where and what and who is your life.
    The wheel turns and you gotta pick a spoke a speck a speak or a spic.
    There is no mero mero by staying in the mido of the nido.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I would choose a spic.
    rube likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There is nowhere to run.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There is nowhere to run.
  17. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    You can drive around the SGV without a license plate without any issues. Covina PD straight up admitted they would not hassle. Homeless junkies everywhere in the 626 these day. Had my plates stolen two months ago and car broken into this weekend. Anyone you talk to in Covina PD blames the LA DA and liberals
    Man Ray, LAdiablo, rube and 2 others like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The locals are freaking out because there is graffiti in the park and they keep seeing more vagrants.
    They keep throwing out how this isn't LA or worse yet pomona.
    They like to use the word bucolic to describe their little town.
    But it always ends up being about their addiction to the rush of CA property values.
    Dirt is and has always been the most addictive drug to people.
    It's the gateway drug.
    If they can sell you on buying dirt futures they can get you to buy into anything.
    Because anything can be spun into looking like the most righteous thing on earth if you place a monetary interest on it.
    That's why they grind people into dirt.
    So they can snort high grade human dirt.
    But hey for years and years slavery was the institution that built America and the world. Even the old testament says there's nothing to be done until Jesus comes.
    Because Jesus is a builder.
    A technician to be precise.
    A worldbuilder.
    God is the owner of the world.
    It is his footstool.
    The one his son built in shop class.

    So everyone that slaves away is a cobuilder with him.
    And he treats his workers well.
    He don't just stay in the office all day.
    He has lunch with thr crew.
    Hangs out in the warehouse.
    Goes out and meets the driver when he checks in and out.

    The slaves of all colors creeds and kinds built all our roads and towns and mountains and hills.
    Slavery makes money.
    Sometimes even a little for the slaves.
    Keeps them in beer and money.
    See it does good things.
    Look at all the people it employs.
    Look at all the progress being made in so few generations.
    It must be the way of heaven.
    Shit the very WAY to heaven.
    We on the right path guys.
    For how can something so successful be wrong?

    That's exactly how you know it's wrong.
    What you guys have been told is success is actually the slavers lie to get you to buy shares in his slavery scheme.
    Don't worry you won't face any problem.
    The next generation may be inconvenienced with some truths that can mostly be denied.
    For sure the third generation will throw it in your face but you will still.have enough power to gaslight your way for another score and 20 years.
    But the fourth generation will bring yout house to ruin.
    Everything you think is good will go the way of disco music.
    Including your heroes.
    What, while your great grandpappy mighta hated that Elvis was obscene.
    And your grandpa might hated that he played black music.
    And your daddy got sad when he found out Elvis was a delusional meth addict from his first hit to his last.
    You gonna lose your shit when you find out Elvis was made a man by Liberace.

    This culture built on honor will always hide away the dirt and shove it under the mud because there is nothing white hates moor than off-white.
    In white culture yoi can't just be who you are.
    You must lie.
    Like a serpent.
    Then when the weather changes.
    And white culture has acclimated.
    You are entitled to shed your skin.
    Must be nice.
    To get to lie cheat kill and steal.
    Then say my bad indidnt know.
    Can i goes to heaven now?

    You do not pass go.
    This is your birthright.
    For not leaving white culture and joining everyone else that's been rubbed out.
    Just cuz yoi ain't been rubbed out yet.
    Trust me, it's coming.
    If the white liberals don't get you then they will hire some colored mercenaries to do the job.
    But NOBODY gets out of this gang warfare.
    If you took the entitlements then it means you are billeted for the war.
    And you don't make the rules.
    There is no ref to cry to.
    At that point your only god is your enemy.
    Better to pray now than then.
    While you still have a guardian angel.

    Every nation has one.
    Every city and family too.
    Not just you.
    But when they die they die.
    And then they tell their boss.
    An angel carries plenipotentiary powers.
    Whatever he says or does carries the same weight as the sovereign who sent him.
    And as such anything thay is done to an envoy is like if it was done to the king himself.
    So if you have let your guardian angel die then you better find someone who still has one.
    Because a brain without a guardian minding the store can be as smart as a tack pinning every piece of knowledge to his flesh, but it won't mean a thing.
    He is missing his copilot.
    His early warning system.
    His canary.

    Without that it dont matter how many passports you got or drivers licenes or cars and trucks... you ain't leaving the four walls inside your head.
    And you cant go where the spirit leads.
    If you dont got none.

  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    lastatman, LAdiablo, Bluezoo and 3 others like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Remember when you used to call me Cassandra.
    Forget about her for now.
    Yall sometimes remind me if those tribal people videos where they expose them to western fast food and media and it blows their minds.
    They been used to being fed the same old hay over and over.
    While we have such a range of variety.
    White culture is a narrow band by nature.
    This you know.
    How else do you keep law and order and civility and peace and honor and respect if it is not tightly regulated.
    You want a wall don't you or not?
    That's the narrow way.
    And that is your way.
    Which is a good thing.

    The wide way is not your way.
    When you go wide you go from having a possibility of becoming bad to a certainty of becoming evil.
    Wide means colonialism, slavery, ecumenism, socialism, you know... globalism/empire. Whatever the new nazis aka big baddies are gonna be called.

    I KNOW you agree with me on most fronts. I read everything you motherfuckers ever typed.
    And whatever I read naturally helps shape the way I think about things.
    So if you don't like it it's your own fault.
    But what it really is is that I don't change my rhetoric to fit my audience.
    You like people that say they are like that.
    Like Trump.

    Lots of people have bidens remorse.
    They bought in without looking at the policies.
    Now they wish trumps policies were back.
    This is the majority of the democrats that voted Biden.
    The majority was swayed by their emotional fringe.
    Which is what ways happens when you are to whipped by women and you cow tow to that fringe.
    Because they just sont connect with how Trump communicates.
    Some outright hate it and blame him for all kinds of things.
    First they go for the low fruit and make fun at his business losses and his long hair and his thick accent and common speech. Basically implying his a thick rube dressed up in fine clothes.
    Then when they can't refute him word for word they start nitpicking and twisting and taking things out of context. Typical witch shit. And while witchcraft is evil it is an evil typical of females nature. For a man to engage in such depraved acts is a more unnatural carnal act than sucking off a tranny in west la. AKA an Irish Sunday.
    Finally after failing they are left in complete outer darkness and confusion.
    And in the vacuum of an empty unminded mind the foulest of demons enter and raise the temperature so high that they go for the jugular.
    The total cancel.
    He's a Russian agent Benedict Arnold instigating an armed coup on the state capital because the Russians have him on tape pulling an R Kelly.
    Once you call someone a pedo you better be on good terms with that person or you better be ready to back up your dirty mouth.
    Trump made them all pay.
    Tell me how's their 401k?

    All because Trump don't tell it to you how you like it.
    He tells it to you how he tells it to you.
    And liberal bitches can't stand that.
    Because they have to drop their ego for a minute.
    This big guy doesn't pretend to come down to your level so you can buy what he's selling
    This big guy waits up on the mountain waiting for you to raise the tectonic plate just one millimeter.

    If you want I'll host Trump for a dinner.
    1000 dollars a plate.
    Our neighbor did it for Arnold.
    He cared about CA.
    And had the wherewithal to pull it off.
    I can't even pull off spelling wherewithal.
    At least not with surety.
    But this guy was good at pulling stuff up.
    He was a dentist.
    And you know those guys have old time pull.
    They mobbed up with the duponts.
    How you think 11 out of every 10 dentists say you should put fluoride down your throat.

    Or yall just gonna sit for dear leader Castro jr?

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