Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    OK I didn't need to call anyone stupid. Didn't NEED to. It's not anger it's frustration. I have been trying to explain a viewpoint over and over and have been roundly attacked or ignored by the mesmorized at DSP. I'm a man of science and present data that refutes nonsense and get shunned or attacked. Mostly because I do not accept what I suppose others here embrace.
    Who are you brother?
    The brother I walked shoulders with for however many years didn't take shit from fools
    Called out those who lied to his face. With vigor.
    You 'used' to not let people lie to your face and were quick to call bullshit. What happened?
    Excuse me for sharing when it happens to you so often.
    For laughing at anyone who condones this shit.
    The fool doesn't even attempt to defend his ridiculous statements
    Who agrees with a liar?
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    Your daughter and mine are of similar age, why the fuck do YOU think its okay/funny/cool to grab women by their pussy?
    Do YOU do that shit? Not the guy I knew. But I could be wrong.
    Can't remember Mom telling ME that was how a gentleman treats a lady.
    Or is that the cool new trend and all the guys are doing it now? I can't keep up. I never was as hip as you.
    And you are taking issue with me for being someone daring to defend a woman's right not to have have genitals grabbed? Really?
    So you're now the principled guy that would stand for that boorish behavior onto your wife or daughter?
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    We've been fellow businessmen for decades. It's a damned tough life, the real world is harsh as fuck but winnable with some elbow grease and ingenuity.
    How many creditors did YOU stiff declaring bankruptcy? How many millions of someone else's shit did YOU keep as part of a bankruptcy?
    I must of missed the part when you shared that was a sound business practice YOU would do.
    How many customers went out business by changing names before payment and stiffed you?
    As many as me? Maybe more? Doesn't it feel like shit when it happens?
    Unless YOU like that taste.
    How about if I stiffed YOU by declaring bankruptcy, taking YOUR assets and calling myself a different corporate name tomorrow
    Again and again.. and again.. and again
    Can't remember that being the kind of thing YOU would accept?
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    Way that I recall some of us cared about serving our country how we could
    "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" and all that shit
    Patriotism mattered or were YOU fetching a beer during that conversation?
    The guy I knew wouldn't of thought it was cool to cozy up to the enemy.
    Yeah I got the #keepyourenemiescloser meme or the #makeabuck meme
    but I never heard you hint ...ever that cozying up to the Russians was in YOUR agenda.
    He's a con man working any angle he can. He's defrauded so many business partners that I can't keep track and YOU think it good idea to stiff Russia next?
    Do you want to describe how you think that might play out?
    Just to promote your Russian paid for hotel.
    Where I come from that looks like what we call a "Conflict of Interest"
    And that shit doesn't sit well me. Maybe I'm too ethical but
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    We've spent night's outdoors rocking in the trees camping.. for how many years?
    You know I love my mountain forest
    With this idiot first naming a corrupt sexist oil guy and then a crooked coal guy to head the EPA
    What kind of man would do that if he gave a shit about our country?
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    This guy is an open fraud.
    And what he's defrauding.. is our country.
    Social Security is OUR money. You paid into that for decades.
    Medicare payments came out of how many checks of YOURS?
    I do not even want to speculate on how many dollars I've 'invested' in these programs. How about you?
    This fool and his GOP cronies are trying desperately to loot them as if there were no consequence.
    Dude that's OUR money. We paid for years.
    I don't recall it being OK for someone to steal from MY bank account but perhaps you're flush
    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    In 2016 you could have been duped, or just believed that he could 'drain the swamp' or whatever. I cite open news from reputable sources and you can't explain his shit. But then no one can. But two years in what sane man agrees with THAT kind of guy? I don't need to prove anything more than what you yourself can watch every day. This guy is a blizzard of inept.

    If I lied to your face you'd notice.. I'd hope
    So why do you adore this lying thieving sociopathic fraud of a fuck?
    I know you, and the best I can figure is that from your normal twisted sick fuck perspective is that at least, "IF" you're going to take it up the ass from your 'elected leaders', then at least 'this' openly lying corrupt at heart piece of shit is more entertaining to watch run the country into the ground for our kids to deal with. Which is pretty fucked up soooo maybe that's where your warped melon rolled.

    Fiscal and ethical irresponsibility for the Loss!! Hip hip..

    When did YOU become THAT guy?

    I'm not telling you that you have to think like me and abhor ethical corruption on any of the issues above but when did YOU become THAT guy?
    I remember you as more of a stand up guy
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2019
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    impressive verbosity
    all you're doing is assassinating his character
    as a liar, but yet you don't hold your darling Warren up to those standards?
    who in washington isn't a stone liar?
    you want to hang him on the grab by the pussy comment and yet is there anyone who came forward to say he had done that? even the whores?
    it sounded like an insecure guy trying to be the cool guy w a stupid brag frankly
    no man just grabs a woman by her pussy and you know goddam well they tried to find someone he had done that to and couldn't
    he has personality flaws, large ones, and he's not a guy i'd want to enjoy a beer with as i've said repeatedly
    the bankruptcy laws are there and he used them to his advantage but within the framework of the laws of this country
    he used the LAW to his advantage and while unsavory pretty much every guy at his level would use every advantage he had
    thats how that fucker mccourt leveraged himself in the courts to make billions and it disgusts me
    but they ALL play that game
    yeah he gave the finger to the bloated EPA but can you truly say they don't over regulate and strangle commerce?
    how about one factual instance of nature in this country suddenly changing or being threatened?
    been to the central of this state lately? not every EPA law set forth is in the best interest of society as a whole
    you and the msm seem to be the only ones still trying to prop up the Russia thing
    how insane is it that we have spent two years and 100s of millions chasing a hoax because pillory couldn't deal w her loss?
    yet you won't even address the fact that under BO and pillory we sold off uranium rights...maybe there should be an investigation of something we actually KNOW happened?
    and now he's responsible for SS when every president before him stole from that system and calls it an entitlement lol
    he's lying he's inept blah blah jesus h christ that's every fucking politician in my lifetime w very few exceptions
    i've never said i adore him or his character quite the contrary
    you act like there is some virtuous upstanding alternative to him in the democrat party because...you're the only ones w actual hearts haha
    you're intent on attempting to diminish anyone who see's a positive in the man because YOU are right
    pay no attention to the fact he's trying to do the things he said he would do unlike just about every politician in my lifetime
    the economy is rolling, unemployment at historic lows, criminal justice reform, renegotiating stupid trade agreements in our favor and staying on point on illegal immigration
    those are some core things i can get behind but i know you must hate that a man of such low character could accomplish anything positive
    not sure how any of the things you said makes him a bad leader and for most of us that support him he is the only sane voice in the abyss of washington
    that includes dems and repubes that hate him but lets talk about the place we stand and how we got here because THEY are responsible for that
    ultimate point is that YOU have NO right to come out attacking your friends and acquaintances all over social media as morons, idiots, rubes and fools because you don't share the same pov
    how sad is that mutual friends are actually calling me on the phone asking if i see what you're saying and doing?
    i mean i hated what BO did but when he was doing it ( lying the entire time btw) i don't recall calling anybody names and ruining relationships
    its just a low form of being and leaves me thinking you've reached a point of no return in your hysteria
    i've heard you and the left repeatedly say that socialism is a fact i should get comfortable because we already have it and and WTF?
    if that's your answer to our problems we can't be friends anyway
    but i'm not going to just stand by while you call me or anyone else i know stupid for opposing that thought and voting for the only viable alternative
    you aren't my teacher and you aren't as smart as you think you are
    it just contributes to the divide that you and all other liberals seem determined to make as the country lurches toward civil war
    would be nice if liberals and politicians in general would try to do something good for us as citizens of this country besides hate Trump and people who voted for him
    but that would make them idiots like me right?
    btw what is w your obsession of calling me cool guy and talking about my money cause its bizarre
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
    irish and harkeyed like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That Hillary Clinton probably dodged the draft too!
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    No she didn't. Don't spread rumours, OK?
    She was 4F legitimately.
    Monorchidism, you see.
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  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    this exactly
    and if they're all liars (they are) then it's an even playing field
    it's what they do in spite of that that defines them
    TAFNAC likes this.
  6. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Nov 2011
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    Edit. Wrong thread. Racist
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  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    When I was in Junior High school I had an English teacher that had a list of "dead words" that we were never allowed to use in anything we wrote in class.

    It was words like "nice, happy, sad, mean" and other similar words that were overused or added very little meaning.

    Can pretty much add "racist" and "privilege" to that list.
    Finski, rube, irish and 1 other person like this.
  10. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Mark Landsberger scoffs at both of them.
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I think ' nice' used to mean like 'scumbag'...seriously.
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  12. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Nice privilege?
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    Nov 2011
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    Nov 2011
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    The dead word list I got included words like "thing", "it", "stuff"...
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  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  16. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Can't have open boarders and be a welfare state
    Seems simple to me. But maybe I'm too simple
    Ideally, we allow everybody in that wants in, after thorough screening. No welfare. And let the hungriest, hardest working savages get theirs and let the uninspired lazy fucks fend for themselves
    With a big ass boarder wall and security to match
    Is that racist? Probably in this pussy fucking world
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The tooth fairy is non-binary, gender fluid you bigot.
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  18. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    this might help


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