watching him pitch i feel like they should have extended him for 6 years that slider makes him nearly invincible and he can close as a second career
Frustrated for him that he ended up with 4 ER last night. It was clear he had nothing in the tank but Roberts had a longer leash with a struggling Kershaw than a Kershaw going for a perfect game.
I started following the Dodgers as a kid in the mid/late 70's - Sutton was my favorite pitcher. It's going to be cool to see CK pass him in his next start or two.
187, but yeah, that is absurd given his overall statistics. Hard to believe that he has no realistic shot at the 300 milestone.
That was so irritating. Sometimes I feel that Roberts has no real plan - that he's just winging it with his gut feeling, which more often than not steers him wrong. 87 pitches yesterday after he made such a big deal of the 80 being the max last week. Does one week really make that much of a difference? And if CK had two outs at 87, you know he would've been given another batter that would likely have put him over 90 pitches. Going back to the perfect game, CK should've been allowed to start the eighth with an arm ready in the pen. Who knows, by 87 pitches he could've been out of the inning? Last night, after the second HR, it was obvious to everyone but Dave that Kershaw was fading.
hard to believe that the ‘66 team — with sutton, drysdale and koufax — got swept in the WS of course those mid-60’s dodger teams were notorious for their lack of offense
This is definitely accurate as I remember I used to watch the run support stats, and CK was usually in the bottom of the league as far as support. Just consider the numbers: 2010 2.91 ERA over 32 starts - only 13 wins 2012 2.53 ERA over 33 starts - only 14 wins 2013 1.83 ERA over 33 starts - only 16 wins 2015 2.13 ERA over 33 starts - only 16 wins He could've/should've had another 20 wins in just those four years. Then of course more recently he's had injury and pandemic shortened seasons, keeping his win totals down.
I found the numbers. This is run support per start: 2008 4.4 2009 4.1 2010 3.9 2011 4.3 2012 3.9 2013 3.8 2014 5.0 2015 4.0 2016 4.2 2017 4.8 2018 5.4 2019 6.5 2020 5.5 2021 5.4 2022 7.0 Not difficult to see how the McCourt era hurt him. It's just a shame that it coincided with most of the years that he was starting 32-33 games. Now he's getting much better support, but just doesn't start enough to put up 20-win seasons. I also feel that he was the victim of a disproportionate number of blown saves, but I have no numbers to support that.
Whatever this mentally challenged moron does one week that seems like cold hard logic ( almost tough love), and receives generally complimentary credit for doing, he will inevitability do something very soon after that will totally negate that and top it by high level, head shaking stupidity. Does a wild man shit in the woods ? It is a constant as Polaris is in it's place in the heavens, in our time. Deep breathing an absolute necessity watching Roberts on a day to day basis. Or some potent type of addiction.
Great post. I also feel the Clayton was/is on the cusp of a time in bb history, that even the greatest pitchers out there, will never reach 300 wins ever again. Just like given the way staffs are handled now, Orel's record will stand like the pyramids...for the ages.
Freeman's over friendly demeanor is already getting old for me, because that's the kind of guy I am. Fuck right said Fred...we're getting no hit, just in case you missed that, Fred.