Isn't it great that when millions of americans are out of work and struggling to put food on the table, these power-mad, corporate water-carriers find time to insert shit like that into a stimulus/relief bill. Makes you wonder what else is in there.
Like any of those fuckers pay attention to anything in the laws they pass. Their staffers do all the work, including inserting provisions to support their corporate donors. Then the staffers get paid gigs at consulting companies lobbying the next generation of staffers.
looks like rondo may be missing this season after all
So are these guys attracted to the aggressive type? Or do they get aggressive because they are with a rich athlete (the relationship version of beer muscles)? There are just too many of these incidents like this.
Maybe when he decides he wants to settle down and relax be will get himself a white girl. But the darker the berry the spicier the juice.
Didn't this all start because Rondo and is Ho were parked in a handicap space? What is it with rich, entitled athletes parking in handicapped spaces? This used to happen with the football and basketball players where I went to college on a daily basis.